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English-Hindi > busy signal

busy signal meaning in Hindi

busy signal sentence in Hindi

व्‍यस्‍त संकेत
busy    मसरूफ़ व्यस्त
signal    चिन्ह चिह्न निशान
1.Calls to McLeod USA were met with a busy signal Tuesday night.

2.This tone is louder than the standard busy / fast busy signal.

3.Calls to the West home seeking comment were blocked by busy signals.

4.If there is a temperature problem, Sensaphone will transmit a busy signal.

5.An hour later, she tried phoning again but got another busy signal.

6.A Chinese phone number listed in the records continually produced busy signals.

7.Calls were either not answered or the caller got a busy signal.

8.Busy signals declined by 10 . 1 percent from a year ago.

9.His phone registered repeated busy signals for the rest of the evening.

10.Currently, the phone company does not count calls that get busy signals.

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How to say busy signal in Hindi and what is the meaning of busy signal in Hindi? busy signal Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.